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Daily Devotions

It takes a commitment to grow spiritually as we answer God's call to live out our faith.  The following daily devotion resource was developed to guide you through this journey.


Click on the daily link below and devote a few minutes each day to read the daily devotion. Each day you will be challenged about how to connect the Bible's truth with a reflection, thought, question, or action step.

Week 1:  Oct. 7th-13th
Week 2:  Oct. 14th-20th
Week 3:  Oct. 21st-27th
Week 5:  Nov. 4th-10th
Week 4:  Oct. 28th-Nov. 3rd

Contributing Authors:


Al Senske, Bill Cochran, Brandon Hahs, 

Donna Russell, Erica Bredehoft, Emilie Vincent,

Georgeann Arnold, Glenn Sprich, 

Jacqui Skoglund, Jenny Morrison, Judy Ruf, 

Justin Hugo, Marj Lang, Michelle Burford, 

Meredith Herd, Mike Vincent, Pastor Joel Biermann,

Pastor Joel Christiansen, Pastor Vic Constien,

Pastor Warren Huffines, Pastor Brian King,

Pastor Ron Nelson, Pastor David Peter,

Pastor Dan Teuscher, Pastor Darrell Zimmerman,

Phil Bayes, Sandi Heidorn, Sandy Meyr, 

Sharon Pahde

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